En framvoksende europasfære

Av - 22.11.2009 14:12

Begrenset overlapping mellom nasjonale sfærer (ill: Linkfluence)

Begrenset overlapping mellom nasjonale sfærer (ill: Linkfluence)


Vil det være mulig å etablere en europeisk nettbasert offentlighet på tvers av nasjonsgrensene? Spørsmålet opptar mange forskere. Linkfluence har sin egen tilnærming, og presenterer nå det de kaller det første kartet over europasfæren. Se presentasjon med mer fiks grafikk nedenfor. Her er hovedpunktene — merk poenget med EU-skeptikerne, de ekte overnasjonale aktørene?

A true Eurosphere has emerged on the social web
– Composed of key opinion leaders, official bodies and institutions
– A relatively small sphere that sits at the intersection of larger national communities
The Eurosphere embodies the European idea, serving as a unique meeting point for diverse communities
– The Eurosphere serves as a meeting point for national communities; it embodies the European motto of unity in diversity
– Although all national communities are somewhat connected to the Eurosphere, France is leading the way thanks to key gatekeepers and bridges whereas Germany and Italy are more detached
National communities do not interact much with one another
– Most interactions and conversations happen within the respective national communities
– Euro-sceptics and anti-federalists are among the only ones circumventing the Eurosphere to interact in a systematic manner above and across national borders

Map & Analysis of the European political web

(Funnet hos Kosmopolito.)

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